Pain and illness is a signal. It's telling you something is wrong. At least 95% of illness is caused by underlying stress, which under that, you will find trauma and emotions. Emotions are essentially trapped energy. We prefer to ignore them or bury them or eat them or rant about them on social media, but we don't feel them, and we definitely don't heal them. Unfortunately, one day all that energy can't contain itself anymore and it manifests in your body as pain. You now have no choice but to heal that 20-year wound. And that my friends is beautiful. I spent a lifetime suffering from migraines, chronic stress, anxiety, panic attacks, sub-clinical depression and anywhere from an extra 10 to 30 pounds. My inability to manage stress eventually led to adrenal failure and hypothyroidism. My mistrust in the modern medical system, after experiencing it as a licensed RN and my love for a holistic approach, made me take charge of my own health. As a result, I conquered my emotional and physical ailments simply thru diet, supplements, meditation and a lot of self-care! Turns out being healthy is near to impossible if you don't love yourself first! If you are willing to take a different approach to your physical wellness, thru a balanced approach, I'd love to help you discover the tools that work best for you! Pricing shown is per 1 hour session. Tardiness is not permitted. Commitment is. No excuses. I'll commit to you fully, only with the promise that you will provide the same. If not, we will have to go our separate ways, with well wishes and love. Life coaching is not yet accepted under insurance, but does qualify for health savings cards.

  • Category: Health Coaching
  • Service Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Address: 1965 Augusta Drive Southeast, Massillon, OH, USA (Map)
  • Price:$120.00



Free consultation to make sure I am a good match for your wellness needs. We will review guidelines, discuss goals, ethics and pricing before agreeing to move forward in this partnership.