Transformation Coaching

Transform your pain into purpose.
Heal. Grow. Soar.

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Thanks for visiting! My name is Angela Miller. I'm an Emotional Health Coach and R.N. I think emotions are at the root of almost everything. They keep us stuck. They are buried in our cells, waiting for either attention or to wreck havoc. You can't outrun them. You just have to feel them. It's how you final ultimate healing.

I've spent thousands of hours reading books, attending workshops, studying and living with grief, trauma and LOTS AND LOTS of messy emotions. I've walked thru the storms. I've survived them and I came out the other side, thriving. My expertise in these areas come from my personal experiences; from my inner work; from getting quiet; from seeking the answers that lie within, from my personal life coach - Jesus. That's where I will lead you as well, but it's your journey, your path, not mine. I don't want to be your expert. That's not my place. I want to be your guide. You are your own expert. I want you to find YOUR power that God has given everyone of us! I want you to alchemize your pain into purpose. You have the abilities. You have the strength. I promise it's there. We just need to unpack all the junk that is blocking us from living the live we were meant to LOVE!

I spent the first half of my life walking around in a stupor. I was unhappy, depressed and looking for love in all the wrong places. Now, if you knew me then, you wouldn't have known this. I appeared to be living the American dream; until I suddenly wasn't. When my 22-year marriage crumbled, my whole life fell apart and I stand here today, 12 years later, telling you, I couldn't be more grateful. It saved me. I walked into a storm of massive proportions, broken and lost. I walked out of it completely transformed.

Maybe you are in the midst of your own storm right now. Maybe you are just lost and looking for direction. Maybe you have no idea what led you to my website, or to me, but for some reason, you just feel drawn in. Whatever the reason, I believe God brings you the people who can help, whenever you ask and whenever you are ready.

Let's figure out what you need, together. Let's cut thru the lies you are telling yourself. Let's unload the baggage, and the B.S. Let's look at the thoughts, beliefs, habits and patterns that keep you spinning your wheels. First, we identify what you want. Then, we find out what's in the way. I promise you will come out lighter, but only if you commit to doing the work. I will work hard for you, but I won't work harder than you do.

It's going to require commitment. It's going to be uncomfortable. Healing, means feeling and you are not going to be able to escape it, if you want to unlock your true power. I've walked it. I remember now. I want you to remember too. I'll help you get there. I'll help you find peace, happiness, joy and love. In fact, I guarantee it.

If you want to get to the truth; find out what's holding you back; what's making you unhealthy; what's keeping you from fully trusting your higher power; what's keeping you from truly living, I can help. I will warn you. This journey isn't for the light of heart. I'll give you everything I have, if you promise to give YOU everything you have. If you fail to commit, we wait until you can, and for some people, that won't be in this lifetime. If you aren't prepared to feel the painful feelings you buried, then honestly, I don't want to get started. This journey will change you. If after a 6-month commitment to you, and then to me, if you haven't made any progress; if there is no growth; if you aren't closer to self-discovery, then I'll coach you for an additional 6-months at no cost to you.

If you want to see if you qualify. If you want to know if you are ready, start with a free consultation. I also may not be the right person to help you. Either are okay. You are okay. This is your life. Your journey. If our paths are meant to cross, there is nothing that will stop it.

Recovery literally means, returning to a normal condition. I gotta tell you, if recovering from divorce means I'll soon be returning to whatever normal I had before my divorce, well, you can forget it. So, when we talk about recovering, I think we need to set the bar higher when it relates to divorce. We don't want to recover. We want to uncover; we want to discover; we want to be covered.

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Divorce is like open heart surgery for your emotions and mind instead. It hurts. It requires healing and rest. It can either destroy you, or restore you. Ultimately, it's your choice.

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Sometimes we don't know why we are crying, but find out why and how to use the tears to help you heal.

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Connecting to the earth is full of physical and mental benefits. It's free and worth every minute!

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Dandelions aren't the lawn pest they've been made out to be. Find out how you can use these every part of the plant to improve your health!

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How do we continue to help the family and close friends in the aftermath of a loss?Here's 7 ways to still be there, and a sign you may need more help as well.

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We so desperately want to make sense out of a tragic moment. Find out what questions help, and what questions may keep us stuck in our grief.

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Every trigger is there for your growth, even the small ones. Walk with me as I unpack a little more baggage and restore my role as a dreamer.

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A couple ants won't ruin your picnic, but an army of them will! Let's dive more into what ANTS are invading our thought process and how we can begin to eliminate them.

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Motivational Speaking

As a motivational speaker, my focus is on helping women, teens, men and even teams to begin to understand their true identity.

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Consultation Services

Our world is in an identity crisis and so are our businesses. If we don't know who we are, or where our value comes from, how do we lead a team to greatness?

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Four Adaptogens for Adrenal Support

Four Adaptogens for Adrenal Support

Your body has two adrenal glands located just above each of your kidneys. As part of your endocrine system, your adrenal glands secrete more than 50 hormones, including aldosterone (which helps regulate your blood pressure and blood volume), cortisol and adrenaline, the latter two of which can become overactivated by stress.

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Identify your top 6 values

Identify your top 6 values

Values are your heart’s deepest desires for how you want to behave as a human being. There are many different values. This test will help you find your top six.

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Reframing Traumatic Memories

Reframing Traumatic Memories

Every time you retrieve a memory, you change the memory. The more times you retrieve a memory, the more it will change. Memory is like the telephone game—the more times you tell or imagine the story, the more that story will change.

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Top 10 Supplements

Top 10 Supplements

Are you wasting money on supplements? It's very likely! Start with nutrition first, then consider these 10 supplements.

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Why Meditate?

Why Meditate?

Meditation won't calm your mind, but it will enable you to witness and awaken the self that is aware of all its chatter.

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Sleep Better!

Sleep Better!

Five ways to get better sleep.

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What is Collagen?

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a structural protein that acts as a building block for healthy skin, bones, joints and connective tissues.

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Your gut bacteria determines your weight.

Your gut bacteria determines your weight.

Do you know the health of your gut bacteria? It's time to find out so you can lose weight once and for all!

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Endocrine Disruptors: 14 common chemicals that affect your hormones

Endocrine Disruptors: 14 common chemicals that affect your hormones

Hormones. They’re often the butt of the joke when it comes to pregnancy, PMS, or teenagers. Other than that, we mostly just ignore our hormones. But did you know that just about everything you do is dependent on subtle changes in your hormone levels?

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Mycotoxins: What are they, testing and how to detox

Mycotoxins: What are they, testing and how to detox

Mycotoxins are some of the most common toxins in our environment that may lead to serious health problems, including mycotoxin allergy, immune system issues, inflammation, and cancer. Mycotoxins may grow on your food and in your home under warm and damp conditions

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Digestive enzymes to boost gut health

Digestive enzymes to boost gut health

The phrase “you are what you eat” is halfway accurate. The real truth is: You are what you digest. Therefore, are digestive enzymes key to better digestion, gut health and nutrient absorption?

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Detoxing with Hydrogen Peroxide.

Detoxing with Hydrogen Peroxide.

Most people wrongly assume that their pH level is either normal or unimportant. However, the truth is that most people (due to both natural functions in your body and a unbalanced diet) are acidic. Not only do most people consume acid forming foods (such as sugar, meat, grains and of course processed foods) in large quantities, but the same people often consume alkaline foods (such as raw vegetables, fruits and water) in very small quantities.

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